Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How to Get Rich in your own way

Getting Rich Your Own Way

Brain Tracy is a famous writer who is a life coach. His books are read world wide. Check this book out. It will defiantly change you way of thinking about geting rich and it can help you achieve the status of being rich.

Excerpt from this book

The major difference between those who succeed and those who fail is simple. Successful people in every field  are action-oriented, while failures are talk-oriented. People who achieve greatly are those who ìjust do it!î while those who accomplish little spend  their lives hoping, wishing, dreaming and making excuses. By opening this  book, you have stepped forward into the ranks of those few who make things
happen, rather than the majority who continue to wait for things to happen to  them.  This book could be called Getting Rich In Canada or Australia or  New Zealand or England or any other country with a market-based  economy. It is called Getting Rich In America because the United States has  the freest economic system and the greatest number of opportunities to become wealthy of any country in the world. In 2004, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris, fully 15% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 54 were planning to start a new business- the highest percentage in the world. As a result of this entrepreneurial climate, there are more self-made millionaires and billionaires per capita in the U.S. than in any other country. So we'll start here.

Starting With Nothing When I was growing up, my family had very little money. My father
was not always employed and my motherís work as a nurse was often the
only thing that put food on the table for myself and my three brothers. We
were raised on macaroni and cheese, and wore clothes from the Goodwill
and the Salvation Army. From the age of ten, I made my own money and
paid my own bills working at gardening and odd jobs around the
neighborhood. When I was fifteen, I began searching for the so-called secrets of
financial success. Like many young people, my goal was to be a millionaire
by the time I was thirty. However, when I turned thirty, I was just as broke
as when I was twenty. I had not even graduated from high school, and aside
from being able to sell, I had no real skills at all. It was about that time that I started to worry about my situation, and how little progress I had made in the last ten years. Many of my friends were
already doing quite well, married with children, living in nice homes, and
making good money. But I was going nowhere financially.

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